Começa a primavera cheia
Estes últimos dias na Madeira têm sido muito diversos. Trabalhos florestais, colaboração em provas desportivas, censos de mantas e passeios pela ilha, marcaram estes dias.

Dentro das atividades que organiza SPEA, foi realizado um censo de mantas. Esta atividade realizou-se na totalidade com a ajuda de voluntários distribuídos por toda a ilha e durante um fim-de-semana. O objetivo de esta atividade era, além de obter informação sobre o tamanho populacional da espécie, o envolvimento da população em atividades de conservação da natureza e da sua fauna. É uma oportunidade para desfrutar do ambiente com amigos e família, e além colaborar para um fim científico.
No passado fim-de-semana realizou-se na Madeira o MIUT (Madeira Island Ultra Trail). Como atividade voluntária também participei colaborando num ponto de controlo, onde registámos o atleta e as horas em que passou. Foi uma atividade muito gira, que consegue ligar muito bem a natureza e o desporto. Parabéns aos campeões e para todos os participantes!!
Spring begins full
These last few days in Madeira have been very different. Forestry work, collaboration sporting events, censuses buzzards and island tours, marked these days.
In reference to forestry work - up continued with the tasks of monitoring the broom in Manx Shearwater’s area (Puffinus Puffinus). New tests in order to get the best method to control this invasive species were made.
I had the opportunity to visit the Natural Reserve of Rocha do Navio in Santana . It's a spectacular place just down the place, in this case the cable car, is when you can appreciate the naturalness and the wild area. This Marine Reserve is one of the isolated corners of the island, visiting it in to enjoy the natural beauty of the area , and relax to the sound of the ocean hitting the rocks. A place definitely worth it worth visiting .
mong the activities it organizes SPEA, a census was conducted buzzards. This activity took place entirely with the help of volunteers spread across the island and for an weekend. The objective of this activity was in addition to getting information about the population size of the species, the community involvement in conservation of nature and its wildlife activities. It is an opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere with friends and family, and beyond cooperate for a scientific purpose.
Last weekend was held at the MIUT (Madeira Island Ultra Trail ). Participated as a volunteer activity also collaborating on a control point, where we recorded the athlete and the hours passed. It was a really cute activity that can connect very well the nature and sport. Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
Soledad Álvarez
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